
Monologue Slam Submission

Hello all!

Thought I’d share my submission to the Monologue Slam Online competition for this month.

I chose a short little piece from Garth Davis’ Mary Magdalene, which I had just recently watched and adored. I had been meaning to see this film since it was first talked about that Rooney Mara and Joaquin Phoenix would be doing a film about Jesus and Mary Magdalene. Unfortunately it was derailed from a release date back when the Weinstein news broke out, and was in a bit of a limbo before being shared with the world, but by then the marketing seemed to have lessened, and reviews weren’t as favourable to give it a wider release in theatres, so it flew by the radar of most people. It’s currently on Amazon Prime for anyone that is interested in seeing it. It was a beautifully shot and well acted film. I was drawn to the cinematography and soft, gentle, artistic pacing of the film, which was a great shift from Gibson’s Passion of the Christ’s brutality.

The scene I chose was when Jesus and his disciples talk to a group of women about asking God forgiveness for one’s sins. One of the women tells the story of one of their own who was brutally raped and drowned by her husband when found with another man. She questions God in this moment, in how one of the men sought forgiveness at the time of his trial. Jesus gives with deep humility and compassion that hate can be a powerful emotion, but forgiveness is a virtue that allows you into the Kingdom of God. It is a very touching performance by Joaquin, and he does very strong work in the few scenes that he is in the film. But it is truly Rooney Mara that commands the presence within her perspective of the story. I highly recommend everyone to see it, even if they are not religious, or grew up Catholic, there is rich sentiments, and spirituality in Jesus’ teachings. I feel the manipulation is found in how Religion and the Church can shift these teachings into fear mongering and absolutes, rather than allowing them to be heard and interpreted in its true essence and form. We are to make the decisions of our own lives, but ultimately to take steps and actions towards a virtuous life is always one of a positive encouragement.

Especially with all of the violence, war and hate in this world, it is often hard to even think about forgiveness, to allow our hearts to feel the opposing side of view, knowing that we are all humans, we are all one another, brothers and sisters. This is my hope in humanity, that we find the healing hearts to love one another despite our differences, until then we cannot come close to this Kingdom, for it is within us. We will build it, with our thoughts, our actions and our prayers.

Be good to one another,

Peace and Love,


Joel Chico Show and Actors Pilot Updates!

Hello Friends!

So I have been finally getting on board with my talk show, and utilizing the power of Zoom Video Communications! It started with a talk with my good friends Matthew Pellow and Chai Valladeres, two actors I met in drama school. We connected to discuss my own form of the show, talking to actors, envisioning a creative show where we work on scene studies and give an outlook of how an actor prepares. I believe I will work on two streams, an actor show, as well as a straight podcast/talk show with the various wonderful people I meet in my life!

So far I’ve had some great talks with wonderful guests that I am looking forward to sharing with you all!
In the meantime check out the Actors Pilot with Matt and Chai!

Will be posting the videos on Youtube and my website, hoping to get the audio of the podcast on Spotify and iTunes as well! So stay tuned!

Much love,