
"Joseph" now on all Streaming Platforms - Spotify, iTunes and Apple Music!

As we enter the New Moon in Gemini I thought I'd share a song near and dear to my heart. I wrote this song at a difficult time in my life and used the words and music to elevate my vibration to something more than I thought I was, this is a song of hope and rebirth. It was to be the first single of a new album that is far from complete, but still stands as the foundation of a story of Cosmic Star Child, a journey beyond space and time. As I approach my thirtieth birthday I decided to use this photo for the song, a look into the eyes of creativity and wonder, the youth of who I was and still am. For the first time ever my single Joseph is available on all three main streaming services! It has been available on my Bandcamp since its initial release, but I felt it time to share on a global scale for how ever you like to listen to your music. I find music to be the thing to connect us, to unite us. It is time now more than ever to come together, our love is strong and it won't take long til we can take away the pain. Enjoy my friends and family!

Peace, Love, and Music,


Apple Music:…