Joel Chico

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Memoirs and Misinformation by Jim Carrey and Dana Vachon

I can't remember the last time I read a novel cover to cover. I've attained so many books over the last decade that I could hardly contain my excitement to simply enjoy one at a time, and fully immerse myself in its engagement, finding pleasure in simple lines, pages or beats before the distraction of attention acquiring others removed me from that focus. But this. This is beauty. Pure magic from the heart of a soul enchanted by life, anxious of death, understanding of all things to be equally existing in an infinite continuum of oneness... 

Jim Carrey has always been a revelation to me; a teacher; a maestro of craft; an analogue for a digital age; a man out of time and space; a healer of wounds, freeing humanity of concern with humor and joy... This is a man who has lived to great heights and felt the lowest depths. He had given to the world his gift of life, and we so willingly engaged, devoured every morsel of his soul, to try at least to mirror his brilliance, to become a piece of that which is Jim Carrey. 

But here, upon his literary masterpiece of absurdity, grandeur of prose, presentation of madness that could only come from the mind of Jim Carrey, he shows us not that which is his self, but of the self removed, void of form, boundless to Eternity, a soul like all, interconnected by source, stripped of identity, ego, flesh and bone. Jim Carrey is nothing and everything.

I got this book a week ago and couldn't put it down, allowing myself every night to read as I did as a child, highly engaged and excited to turn the page to the next word, riveted by the adventure, the story, the passion. Perhaps it's just my flavour, and its subtle but grandiose wordplay tickled my tastebuds in ways that haven't been touched in years. This book speaks to me, not only as an artist but as a spiritual being living this human experience. Jim Carrey and co-writer Dana Vachon have found the words to describe the sentiments I've felt skimming the edge of the numinous, that light film on the stratosphere that stretches across the galactic confides of dreams and waking life. 

I'm exploding with inspiration, mesmerized by wonder, as a cacophony of emotions stream through like lightning bolts shocking my system with awe and exuberance. I seek only to rest but enchanted by the imagination this novel has brought to my heart and soul.

Thank the Gods that I had found this Light at the time I needed it the most. Praise to the literary Maestros for once again showing me hope in the written word.

Thanks Jim and Dana for giving me the eyes to see again.