Joel Chico

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Thanks for all the love on The Twilight Zone!

I just wanted to put out a big thank you to everyone that watched my episode of The Twilight Zone!

It’s currently streaming on CBS All Access, I’m on episode 3, “The Who of You,” which stars other great actors Ethan Embry, Billy Porter and Mel Rodriguez, directed by the wonderful Peter Atencio, produced by Jordan Peele.

It was such a joyous experience to work on my first television show here in Vancouver. It’s been a dream and cannot wait to do more wonderful work in this city. I know times are tough and it’s been a crazy world, but there is lots to be hopeful about. Lots of magic in the air as the world gets its shit together and cleans up. Be nice to one another, stay healthy and happy, be clean, wash your hands and wear a mask in public! It’s important to note that we’re all in this together and we should be acting in unity and community.

Much love,


PS. You can watch the clip from my episode on my Instagram @joelchicoshow or check out the link below!

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