Joel Chico

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New Year, New Website, New Vibration!

2019 has arrived !

There is a lot of movement in the cosmos, which means we are off to a great start! I am back in Vancouver after a wonderful rest up in Toronto. Spending time with family and friends has been a wonderful, but now it is on to the momentum of creative endeavors!

I was able to record two Podcasts this month: the first with my good friend Mel Worku, as we talk about our favourite movies of 2018; the second with musician Michael McDonnell, his Podcast All About the Song has been a great success and I was totally happy to catch up with him and discuss music over the last several years! I’ll post links for both shows in February when they air!

As I’ve been settling back into the West Coast energy, I’ve been compiling writing for my first book, Showcase Pilot, and continuous world building for my Cosmic Trilogy Features! Still lots of work to be done, but setting all of the best intentions into the universe to persevere and succeed in bringing these dreams into reality! An open call for writers and collaborators will be posted soon as well, as I gear up for this year’s productions.

I’ve started up a new website to create a better platform to present my ideas and work. I’m really excited to share with you all what I’ve been up to, so stay tuned!

Love and Light!